Donnerstag Mai

Exhibition Opening: Look The Weird - The Night Sky Is Full Of Rainbows

Rabbiteyemovement Gumpendorferstraße 91, 1060 Wien
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr Beginn: 00:00 Uhr
Gratis Eintritt!
Exhibition Opening: Look The Weird - The Night Sky Is Full Of Rainbows am 21. May 2015 @ Rabbiteyemovement.

RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT is happy to announce “THE NIGHT SKY IS FULL OF RAINBOWS“ – a solo exhibition by LOOK the Weird

In his third solo show at the RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT Art Space LOOK The Weird walks deeper into his mindset of Ultraland, a post apocalyptic intermediate world, where nature takes over the leftovers of a self-destructed human society. The upcoming exhibition ”The night sky is full of rainbows” is going to feature large-scale canvases and sharp highly detailed drawings – all populated by militarized corpses who fight against a growing nature to keep the human race alive. In this strange setting you can feel his deep root of the graffiti culture which finds its expression in forms, colors and the high energy of his stroke. LOOK, co-founder of the collectives PEACHBEACH and The Weird, spent the last years exhibiting in diverse group and solo shows all around the globe. Though he is mainly focusing on his career as a visual artist he never lost the track to his first passion: Graffiti.

In seiner dritten Soloausstellung im RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT Art Space gibt LOOK The Weird tiefere Einblicke in das Ultraland, eine von ihm konstruierte, post apokalyptische, intermediäre Welt, in welcher die Gewalten der Natur zurückkehren und sich über die Trümmer einer selbstzerstörten menschlichen Gesellschaft hinwegsetzen. Die Werke verbindet ein gemeinsames Thema: Militarisierte Leichname, die versuchen sich gegen die Naturgewalten durchzusetzen, um die menschliche Rasse am Leben zu erhalten. In dieser ungewöhnlichen, weirden Szenerie sind die Graffiti- Wurzeln des Künstlers immer noch deutlich spürbar und bestätigen sich in der Darstellung von pulsierenden Formen und Farben.
