Mittwoch Oktober

Turbo w/ Gaiser & Half Baked

Grelle Forelle Spittelauer Lände 12, 1090 Wien
Einlass: 23:00 Uhr Beginn: 23:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 13.00
  • Vorverkauf 0.00

  • Jon Gaiser Live /Minus /US
  • E.Royal /Legendary Truckpack /AT
  • Max Schell /Guten Morgen /AT

  • KITCHEN pres. by DjsCan’tCook

  • Greg Brockmann /Half Baked
  • Sam Bangura /Half Baked

There’s no ego, just music, when Jon Gaiser brings his live act to the club. Those who have met Gaiser will know he appreciates a good joke and an even better bass line. An avid producer with an arsenal of sounds at his disposal in the booth and inside the studio, it is no wonder that he has commandeered everyone’s attention.