Donnerstag Juli

The Psychotic Monks

B72 Hernalser Gürtel 72-73, 1080 Wien
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
The Psychotic Monks am 13. July 2023 @ B72.

A dream comes true: The Psychotic Monks are coming to Vienna to play a show with us for —– 3,5 fucking years —— we’ve been working on making this happen and now it finally will!

Hailing from Paris, The Psychotic Monks are one of the heaviest noise rock/post punk forces on the continent. Pounding drums, rhythms that make you wanna punch the air, atmospheric breaks, industrial jangling, all displayed in an intense live performance.

They are definitely one of the best live bands we’ve ever seen
For Fans of: Swans, Fat White Family, Meatbodies, IDLES, Throbbing Gristle…

„[…] Because their third album „Pink Colour Surgery“ is the their coldest, weirdest, most unhinged offering to date.
That is no bad thing. TPM are at their best when plumbing the most abstract, uncompromised depths of their imaginations, and the way in which they weave hip-swinging rhythms through the twisty seven-and-a-half minutes of uber-knowingly-titled second track Post-Post- or pick a gentle Mogwai-esque melody from the dissonance of Décors feels truly masterful. […]“
– Kerrang!

The Psychotic Monks will be supported by Enns and Lillie Creatures!

Vorverkauf Tickets gibt es hier: https://kupfticket.com/events/the-psychotic-monks