Von 26
Sonntag März
Bis 26
Sonntag März


Arena Wien - Kleine Halle Baumgasse 80, 1030 Wien
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr Beginn: 19:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 20.00
  • Vorverkauf 16.00

In a small town, with but a small chance, two lowly miscreants toiled feverishly into the small hours of the night creating ballads of loss and self deprecation, in hopes of illuming the world with their particularly despondent brand of mischievousness.

Nearly twenty years later, these very same scoundrels have arrived upon your doorstep to drown your sorrows, ease your pains and release your hearts.

The Black Heart Procession, purveyors of all things disconsolate, would like to formally invite you to attend a singular event, a forlorn gala, a mournful celebration of the dour. It’s your town, your desolation, your reclamation.
Join us in the revelry of sorrow, as we honor the 20th anniversary of our first album. Laugh, cry and absolve your sins with us. Together, we’ll brighten the world, confront the shadows beneath our beds and…

…well…you could just come to the show in your town where we’ll be performing our first record from start to finish, with some extra stuff for the encore. Hope to see you all there, tears of laughter and sorrow alike.

Beauty Lies:
Dark Folk, an diesem Abend in einer Duo-Formation, Alfred Wihalm an der Akustikgitarre/Stimme und Martin Lunzer am gedämpften Kornett.