Mittwoch August

Sneers & Primordial Undermind

mo.ë Thelemangasse 4/1, 1170 Wien
Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 0.00
  • Vorverkauf 0.00
Sneers & Primordial Undermind am 20. August 2014 @ mo.ë.


Sneers screen themselves through their own sounds that relate a degrading crawling in the most recondite canals of the human core. often unconscious dialogues, expiation prayers, and deconstructive criticisms, a sonar skein devotionally groans among noise instincts and melodies for souls.

Primordial Undermind (AT/US)

‚Reverberating with primitive hallucinogenic drones, garage rock grinds, and improvisations that slowly build from half-formed blowouts to cosmic Stockhausen-style epics‘ – Edwin Pouncey, The Wire.