Freitag Mai

Insomnia Opening Night

Flex Donaukanal/Augartenbrücke, 1010 Wien
Beginn: 23:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 15.00
Insomnia am 31. May 2024 @ Flex.

We are Insomnia ||

With a brand new concept, we are re-establishing House Music in the infamous Flex Hall. We are proud to announce our very first event which will take place at 31 | 05 – the last Friday of May.

Be prepared for ||

 All Colours of House Music
 12 talented DJs from 5 different Crews
 Innovative Stage Design & Visuals
 15€ all night

Let’s create a new chapter together ||

Disclaimer: We are a completely open zone. We do not tolerate any form of racism or sexism. Spread love, not hate.