Freitag Dezember

Disorientnation Tour 2013 with Secret 47

Einlass: 23:00 Uhr Beginn: 00:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 10.00
  • Vorverkauf 0.00
Disorientnation Tour 2013 with Secret 47 am 20. December 2013 @ .
  • Secret 47
  • Viennoise
  • VJ_Team: Hand Mit Auge

What better place than Vienna to mark the beginning of the widely expected ‚DisorientNation‘ Tour from the up coming y serious? art concept.


Born in Marrakech, the label managed by Yacine & Genti (Secret 47) recently decided to put together a performance, where the back 2 back duo would embark clubbers on a musical journey to the ORIENT through deep electronic grooves and visuals. It took Secret 47 a few years to collect all the music, sounds, vocals and images they needed to make this show so special: they’ve travelled from Morocco to the Balkans via Africa in a quest to gather the most original and melodic grooves to wrap it into a clubbing concept. To the sound they added a visual show with subliminal images performed by visual artists.

On Friday 20th of December you will have the opportunity to travel without moving, you will be Disoriented in the Orient Nation – a bit like on a magic carpet ride …

Secret 47 have played along side some of the best DJs of the global underground scene such as: Anja Schneider, OXIA, Johnny D, Andrea Oliva, Acid Pauli, Mira, Timo Maas and many more. They are known to bring energy to the dance floor and spread their good vibes along with their original music genre. 

To warm you up and to give the event some what of a local twist, we’ve asked maxi. from the female DJ trio VIENNOISE to spice up the show.

Because this event is so special to us and we want to offer Secret 47 the best possible conditions for their first date, we’ve put together an organization ‚dream team‘ (with Franz Kottulinsky, Täglich Allesch and Daniel Haider), dedicated to bring together a nice crowd of local and international friends, to celebrate an unforgattable pre-Christmas evening in Vienna.

Club Auslage Wien with its decent sound system – and being a little gem among Vienna’s clubsites – will be the venue. The festivities will start at 23:00. 

We also have the pleasure to welcome the talented Hand Mit Auge, the visual duo from Vienna, who will prepare a very special VJ set for this occasion.

Y serious? is a Music and Art concept. 

Price: 10 €