Dienstag April

Caudal, Idklang

rhiz - bar modern U-Bahnbogen 37, 1080 Wien
Einlass: 22:00 Uhr Beginn: 22:00 Uhr
  • Abendkassa 10.00
  • Vorverkauf 8.00

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Teilnahmeschluss: 13. April 2014

  • CAUDAL (feat. Aidan Baker)

Caudal, a trio of Canadian guitarist Aidan Baker (of Nadja, B/B/S/, etc.), Irish bassist Gareth Sweeney (formerly of Gout), and Colombian drummer Felipe Salazar (of Muerte En Pereira), formed in 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Baker’s multi-layered, heavily affected guitar overlays Sweeney and Salazar’s driving, propulsive rhythm section creating music equally influenced by motorik krautrock, post-punk, and spacerock. The trio released their debut album, Forever In Another World, on the environmental charity label Oaken Palace Records in 2012. The follow up album, Ascension, is forthcoming spring 2014 from Belgian label Consouling Sounds.


Press Quotes:

‚[L]oose instrumental flow, unwinding on the languorously present bass and swelling drums as Baker’s guitar accretes in multiple layers, some so processed as to sound like synth accompaniment. Hypnosis on the rising and falling tides the trio generate is the order of the day for “Threever,” though here the tempo shifts up a gear into post-motorik mode, the bass throbbing with the sound of New York No Wave traffic pulsations as much as it does to the autobahn’s sharply-defined, no-limits groove.‘
– Freq: [http://freq.org.uk/reviews/nadja-caudal-adoran/]

‚[F]ocus[es] on sounds much more spaced out, psychedelic and krautrocky, and it doesn’t take more than a few minutes of opener ‚River’s Edge‘ to lure you in, and drag you down into their gorgeous, laid back, washed out, softly psychedelic sprawl. Thirteen minutes of tranced out motorik mesmer, the drums and bass locked into a gorgeously languid groove, which for nearly twelve minutes remains unwavering and locked tight, with Baker doing most of the textural and sonic heavy lifting, in the first half adding softly chiming spidery melodies, warm chordal swells, shimmering soft focus clouds of dreamlike FX, the vibe super drowsy and drifty, only adding some distorted heft for the last couple minutes, but even then the bass and drums don’t blink, anchoring Baker’s final swirling squall.‘
– Aquarius Records: [http://www.aquariusrecords.org/cat/c15.html]

‚Seine Musik spannt weite Bögen zwischen den Genres. Wenn er die Soundkulissen künstlich flimmern lässt, zitiert er Industrial Legende Throbbing Gristle und dem experimentierfreudigen Gordon Sharp von Cindytalk. Mal ist seine Stimme sanft und hoch, wie Thom Yorkes, dann schreit er wieder, als würde er lieber dem Black Metal huldigen, oder sich an Chelsea Wolfes elektronische Hexenlieder erinnern.‘ (Anne-Marie Darok / MICA)