Donnerstag Juni


Flucc Praterstern 5, 1020 Wien
Einlass: 21:00 Uhr Beginn: 21:00 Uhr
Gratis Eintritt!

We are Bellini from Catania, Sicily, Dallas, Texas & New York City, New York. We have all played music forever with other bands & are dedicated to playing music that is brutally honest, with no compromise,” say Bellini.

Bellini is an international indie rock/math rock band, composed of members from Girls Against Boys, Obits, Soulside, Don Caballero and legendary Italian band Uzeda (Touch and Go Records). So far they released three albums, two of them being released by Temporary Residence, home of such acts as Black Heart Procession, Pinback, Mono, Explosions In The Sky etc.
Bellini´s guitar player Agostino Tiletta is one of Steve Albini´s most beloved guitarists and Albini recorded majority of Bellini´s music, Bellini also opened for Shellac on many tours. New Bellini´s material (again recorded by Albini) will be released by Temporary Residence in 2013.

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FS Massaker (Impro-Jazz/Thenmayer, Masen)
Impro-Geprügel für die ganze Familie unter dem Motto “Hauptsache laut”. Musiziert wird mit Saxophon, Schlagzeug und toten Meerschweinchen. Klingt wie Jesus beim Randalieren im Tempel, wenn nebenan ein Massenauffahrunfall passiert und ein Clown besoffen vom Baum fällt.

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