Donnerstag August

Beat It (Halle & Terrasse)

Flex Donaukanal/Augartenbrücke, 1010 Wien
Einlass: 17:00 Uhr Beginn: 17:00 Uhr

Gewinne 2 x 2 Karten

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Teilnahmeschluss: 13. August 2018

Beat It am 16. August 2018 @ Flex.

Sonnendeck (Flex Terrasse):
Mr. HighFi (Push4DnB)
Mac Delay (Team Disziplin)
Apsite (The Liquid Collective)
kaffee.schwarz. (The Liquid Collective)
Memory Effect (The Liquid Collective) B2B Lotus

Unics (Booyah)
Dj Lilith (Switch!)
Disturbo (Switch!)
Dismatic (Team Disziplin)
Flowbrow (IC:DrumandBass)
DNY ft. MC DB (Comrade DnB)
Escape (Brucklyn Records)
Delex B2B Rhodin Hood (Trauma Club)
Progress (Soulshake)
Apsite (The Liquid Collective)
Death the Kid (Voller Freude)

Hosts of the Night: MC Rhodin Hood, MC DB

BEAT IT Sonnendeck @ FLEX Terrasse… free entry!
BEAT IT @ FLEX Halle… €5,- till midnight / €8,- afterwards